Our engineering consultancy is founded on a reputation for providing high-quality designs and cost effective solutions that will change your world by design

industrial engineering civil engineer wexfordMAHER TERMINALS, PRINCE RUPERT, BC, CANADA
(Completed as a Design Engineer while working with Allnorth Consultants)

This project required the design of a mezzanine structure in an existing workshop to accommodate new office space above and a work shop below in a seismic area.

The project scope consisted of structural design of a moment frame structure in one direction so that maximum clearance was available for the workshop areas. The structure was also designed to minimise construction works on the existing building.

industrial engineering civil engineer wexfordYARA BELLE PLAINE, VESSEL REPLACEMENT, SK, CANADA 
(Completed as a Design Engineer while working with Allnorth Consultants & as a Resident Engineer for DJ Fitzpatrick)

Yara Belle Plaine produces an average of 3,000 tonnes of urea, 700 tonnes of UAN and 1,950 tonnes of ammonia per day. The site has the following production units: One ammonia plant, one nitric acid plant and one urea granulation plant. Yara Belle Plaine has the largest single line granulation plant in North America.

This project involves the replacement of the existing production vessels which weight up to 180,000kg and measure up to 18 metres in length. This required the removal of some of the structural steel that supports the gravity loads and resists the lateral forces.

We had to complete a structural analysis on the structure for the removal of this structural steel while also introducing new steel to ensure the structures remained stable during the temporary works.   

industrial engineering civil engineer wexfordAGRIUM WATSON TERMINAL, SK, CANADA 
(Completed as a Design Engineer while working with Allnorth Consultants)

Agrium required the construction of a warehouse building for the storage of a 33,000kg railcar mover. The proposed location of the building was shown to have very difficult soil conditions which were of low to moderate plasticity and subject to some swelling with changes in water conditions and also known to be susceptible to frost heave.

We complete an appraisal of different foundation design options which shown that a slab on grade was the most economically feasible option to support the building and railcar loads.  


“For designers of any structure, there has to be sufficient knowledge for them to feel confident that the proposed structure will be both strong enough and stiff enough while also being affordable."


"I can confirm that D.J Fitzpatrick Consulting Engineers acted as Consulting Engineers for various projects that we were the main contractors on. We would have no hesitation in recommending them fo...

William - JW Roofing Ltd

djFitzContact Us

Cooperstown, Ballygarrett,
Gorey, Co. Wexford

Phone +353 53 942 7873
email info@djfitzpatrick.ie
web www.djfitzpatrick.ie

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Website by aztecdesign.ie
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